Daily Polygon

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The Countdown to E3 Begins

Daily Polygon:
It's Not T.V. It's Crap.

For the record, I love HBO. I just like cracking jokes about things I love. This just in: No more jokes about Sega. Ever. On to the real topic, the Electronic Entertainment Expo is coming, folks. We're less than a month away and this year should be the best yet, with at least two new consoles making an appearance (Nintendo's Revolution hasn't been booked yet), The Legend of Zelda (Playable!), and all of the other things that make May the best gaming month in the whole damn year. And, I'm very pleased to tell you that...

I'm not going.

Oh, trust me, I'd like to attend. Hell, I'd cause some serious bodily harm to just about anyone to go, but unfortunately, I'm bound by a couple things. For one, this event takes place during school. Secondly, and more importantly, I'm barred due to the age minimum, 18. Watch as I drop this here bomb.

I'm 16.

Yeah, so that pretty much squashes my dreams of going for another two years. However, E3 2007 belongs to me. I've got the money situation worked out in advance and since I've got a job at PGC, the ticket is easily acquired. So, in closing, I may not be going this year, but I will eventually, and until then, I'll still be keeping track of it from home.

That's it for now. Remember to be excellent to each other.


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